Monday, April 19, 2010

Learn to make a fire hula hoop Video

After 3 weeks of creating video, editing and many many hours, I have finally finished my

In this video you are going to learn how to make a fire hoop from scratch. I will teach you everything you need to know, including where to source and buy your materials, what tubing you can use, how to make removable spines, and much much more. In this step by step instructional video tutorial you will learn to make your very own fire hoop for less than you would pay ANYWHERE online!

You will also get an unlimited amount of help and guidance should you need some help or don't quite understand some of the steps. I am here to help you each step of the way!
You will learn to build 3 types of fire hoops.
- A standard non-collapsible fire hoop

- A coil down fire hoop

- A 3 or 4 section collapsible hoop with quick release spring buttons.

Why would you want to learn to make a Fire Hoop from us?
Well, we have been in this business for 5 years and have gone through tons of trial and error, and over time we have learned what works and what doesn't. We want to share with you what does work so that you can save yourself time, money and lots of headaches and possibly burns....OUCH!
In this video tutorial I will teach you how to build your wicks and spines, but not just one way - you will get 3 different versions of a spine that you can make yourself, depending on how creative you want to get.
You will learn how to measure for accuracy and get your spines spaced out perfectly from one another around your hoop, creating maximum balance and giving you the benefit of effortless, smooth fire hooping.

I could continue on, but I'll leave it up to you to visit the page and see if this video is for you. Just click on the link below to check it out.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Learn to make a fire hula hoop

Have you ever wanted to learn how to build a Fire Hoop?

I am releasing a video tutorial that is packed full of detailed step by step information to learn to make your very own fire hula hoop.

In this video you are going to learn how to make a fire hoop from scratch. Yup, I will teach you everything you need to know, including where to source and buy your materials, what tubing you can use, how to make removable spines, what wicks are better to use and much much more. In this step by step instructional video tutorial you will learn to make your very own fire hoop for less than you would pay ANYWHERE online!

You will also get an unlimited amount of help and guidance should you need some help or don't quite understand some of the steps. I am here to help you each step of the way!

You will learn to build 3 types of fire more here

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Peg Stilts custom made and ready for you

Peg Stilts custom made to fit YOU
Spring is almost, here! That means more time outside. More time outside means more time to get “high”… high on Peg Stilts that is!  What a perfect time then to introduce you to our newest toy here at The Spinsterz.
We just developed a new lightweight, Performance Peg Stilt! These new stilts are what people have been asking for and we have built them to last and be super comfortable. Something we all need nowadays, quality matters now more than it used to! They are made with strong, but light oak uppers, and are reinforced with aluminum bars. The calf cuff that holds your leg securely in place is lined with soft, dense foam that can also move, just a bit to allow for the different contours of peoples legs. The calf cuff along with the shoe plate has Velcro cinch straps that hold you snugly into the calf support and give you extra security on your shoe.
In our style of Peg stilt, your shoe is bolted directly onto the foot plate. With this way of stilt making, there are 2 options: we will pre-drill the foot plate, and send you the hardware and instructions for you to complete the project at home, or send us the shoes that you will be stilting in and we will attach them to your new stilts for you. If you choose to do it on your own you will need a power drill.
You can get the Standard Model Peg Stilt or you can choose the Acrobatic Stilt Design, for a heavier person, or for a more acrobatic stilter. The standard Model can be used by anyone. A great Stilt for a beginner. They are very strong and are again, built to last.
We will need different measurements to ensure the proper fit of your stilts. We need calf size, the distance from the floor to the bottom of your knee cap, shoe size and the distance from the floor to the thickest part of your calf, and remember we need the measurements in inches.
So, how tall do you want to be? There are different heights to choose from. It’s up to you; the sky’s the limit… well within reason!
Thanks for reading; I hope this sparked your interest into the world of Stilt-walking.
So don’t be short any longer, head on over to and get into a new pair of stilts today!
Melissa Magic

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fire Hoops

Fire Hoops

Fire Hoops seem to be a very talked about subject these days and more and more people are looking to buy one. I see a lot of talk about which fire hoops are the best, which are the lightest, heaviest, most portable, etc. So what should you look for when you are buying a fire hoop?
  • Weight 
    • a heavier fire hula hoop is going to travel a bit slower and give you more of a workout, it will also give your internal organs a nice massage.
    • a lighter fire hoop is going to be faster, easier to do tosses with, not tire you out as fast, but might also be harder to hoop with.
  • Size
    • The size you pick for your fire hoop should be close to what you hoop with already. The spines do make the hoop feel like it is much bigger than it actually is. I recommend that you get a fire hoop that is slightly smaller than the hula hoop you normally hoop with. The added weight of the spines will compensate for for the size difference.
  • Tape or Sanded?
    • This is a new feature in the hooping world. The people that like sanded hoops are those that like a super duper uber light hoop. You can get a sanded hoop here 
    • a taped fire hoop still seems to be the way most people are going as it just looks so much nicer than a bare black hoop.
  • Collapsible or not?
    • Getting a collapsible Fire Hoop seems to be what most people buy these days, although if you are not planning on traveling much , then you shouldn't really need for it to be collapsible. You are not going to really notice any difference between a collapsible hoop and a non collapsible hoop. Both react the same and have the same qualities. Some people may say that a collapsible fire hoop is wobbly, but that all depends on the manufacturer of the hoop. 
  • Flexible Spines or Rigid?
    • The idea behind flexible spines is that when the spine hits the ground it will bend to absorb the impact, a rigid spine will not and bend or break. Flexible is becoming the industry standard for most beginning fire hoopers. If you are more advanced and never drop your hoop or let your spines hit the ground. Then a rigid spine should be just fine for you.
Hopefully this will help a little bit in your search for the perfect fire hoop. Remember that all fire hoops are going to have different features, benefits and draw backs, so take your time and find the right one for you.

You can find a variety of fire hoops here